Saturday, May 28, 2011

Crazy Little Thing Called Love

Saturday, May 28, 2011
Just finished watching a Thai Movie called 'Crazy Little Thing Called Love' on YouTube...
Is a movie about touching, naive and pure love story...
Something that might be similar to your younger days love life...
The storyline is so nice and touching...
Beautifully scripted and directed...
Together with its awesomely handsome and stunning main casts...
The movie is something that you must watch if you are those that falls head over heels over romantic love story.
Watch it, is really really superb NICE!!!
I cried watching it...
Which reminds me be prepared with Ur tissues or hankie if U are those would cry over mushy mushy scenes.

P'Shone is so so darn CUTE!!!

YouTube Links:

Friday, May 27, 2011

Friday, May 27, 2011
 내가 그를 그리울 거예요!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Say am weird, I can accept that...
but then say am SCARY, i doubt so...
I also don't really know
what makes me so SCARY...

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Tuesday, May 24, 2011
 tRIp OF tHE YeAR: 2012
hOnG koNg!!! 


Thursday, May 19, 2011

Thursday, May 19, 2011
till I can't sleeeeppppppppppppppp...
can't wait tomorrow to arrive...


Monday, May 9, 2011

Monday, May 9, 2011
In this life, like the saying in Hokkien we must ai pia jia eh iah meaning you gotta fight to win !!! Dedicating this song to all the fighters...

Ai Pia Jia Eh Iah

jit si shi ji ng mien luang than
一 时 失 志 不 免 怨 叹
Once lose faith, no need to lose hope
Jit si lok piek ng mien tan than
一 时 落 魄 不 免 胆 寒
Once dreaded, no need to be scared
na tang sit khi hi bang
那 怕 失 去 希 望
If there’s no hope,
mui dit chui bang bang
每 日 醉 茫 茫
Whole day just go get drunk
bo hun uu the chin ching eu chow lang
无 魂 有 体 亲 像 稻 草 人
No more soul, but got body just like a scarecrow
lin sin ko tee si hai seong eh por luong
人 生 可 比 是 海 上 的 波 浪
Life is just like an ocean’s wave
wu si khi wu shi lo
有 时 起 有 时 落
Sometimes up sometimes down
ho un phai un
好 运 歹 运
Good forture bad fortune
chong mai ciao ki kang lai kia
总 嘛 要 照 起 来 行
Just accept and get thru it
sa hun thi ju tia
三 分 天 注 定
3 points it’s destined
chit hun khor pa pia
七 分 靠 打 拼
7 points you just gotta fight hard
ai piah jia eh iah
爱 拼 才 会 赢
You gotta fight, then you can win

Lyric :

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Sunday, May 8, 2011
I'm not afraid of DEATH but I'm afraid of AGEING...
Start having fine lines...huhuhu...
I wanna start wearing ELMO punya T-shirt!!! 
apa kena mengena tua ngan ELMO...crazy!!!